Monday, April 11, 2022

Single Mom & Corporate America

I am a successful single mom and I work for one of the leading global banks. Today was one of those days that been a single mom is challenging (some days are better than others). 

I had a conflicting schedule this morning.  I usually drop my daughter off in school between 7:30 and 7:45 every morning as her school opens at 7:20. However, I had a work presentation scheduled for 7:15. There was no way around it.

I could not cancel my presentation or reschedule it because... my personal life. 

Actually, I lie. I think the reason I did not opt to rescheduling was because my Managing Director wanted me to present to her and her Direct reports (they're all Directors) from different regions.  I'm sure if my daughter was ill or there was an emergency, I'll reschedule it. 

Also, I can't always reschedule all my early morning calls or opt out from making my deliverables because I'm a single mom... No one really cares at the end of the day. You have to be able to balance your life one way or the other (work overload and multi tasking). I guess that's one of the price we have to pay. 

Is it a price or a sacrifice? I think its a price. 

Luckily for me, as soon as I was done presenting at 7:35, I dropped the call and rushed to get my daughter ready. I was able to drop her off before 7:50. Thankfully, she wasn't tardy.

What has kept me going as a single mom juggling corporate America, being an amazing mom, my personal life which includes me time, dating, friendships and family? Honestly, I don't know. I think its time management and the GRACE of God.

That's how I stay sane ☺

It's 8:57A. I'm going to switchback to work mode! Have a fabulous week ahead. Cheers!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Reconnecting with an old flame

I'm currently dating someone I like...I really like him. Lets call him Ife. I met Ife on a dating app sometime in August, and...we'll save this gist for another time. Let me talk about someone else.  

A few months after my daughter was born, I relocated to a different state because, again, life happened and I wanted to pick the pieces of my life and start all over. 

Along the line, I think it in 2016, I reconnected with an Ex. We started talking, and he told me he also had a kid, a daughter. Lets call the Ex, Chike. 

Chike and I met in College and were together for a few years. Back then, our friends thought we were  going to end up together. I remember Chike transferred to a different University, almost two (2) hours away but we kept the relationship going. 

We eventually broke up. 

Chike's daughter and my daughter were a few months apart, at that time, both our kids were 2-years-old. We connected on a different level, we had history, we both had kids, so there was a connection. 

We started talking, I think he wanted us to rejuvenate our college love affair. But then, I wasn't looking for a relationship, I was focused on my career because, not only did I have two (2) mouths to feed, I also set a certain goal for myself that I wanted to accomplish.

One day, Chike mentioned that the kid he had with his babymama should have been with me. Crazy right? Yes, I thought so too. First of all, I dislike the name, babymama.

I did like Chike, but remember the saying, "Exes are exes for a reason" I called it off with Chike. 

Why? He said as soon as his daughter's mom told him she was pregnant, he ghosted her. 

Shocked? Me too. 

His reason: She told him she was pregnant when she was 7-months gone.

My response: Bullshit...So?

His response: He's wasn't were he wanted to be in life and couldn't afford to raise a kid.

Chike avoided his daughter's mom, did not take on the responsibility, and stated he was scared to tell his mom he had a kid. I'm not been judgmental, but that's a major RED FLAG for me. His daughter's mom consistently sent him pictures of their beautiful kid and shared updates as well. She was a nice lady because I'll never do that. It was a major turn off for me; as such, that was the beginning of the end for us.

As a single mom, I want a man who is true to himself and will accept ALL of me. 

I don't think that's too much to ask or do you?

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Journey

I haven't written in years, over 7 years to be precise. Writing is therapeutic for me. It helps me put my thoughts into words, it's an outlet for handling though times, etc. 

Why did I stop writing? Life happened. 

Do I miss writing? Yes. 

When was the last time I wrote? The day my daughter was born, on Tuesday, September 16th, 2014 at 2:35PM. I drafted a post in my previous blog which I never posted. Below is a snippet of what I drafted:

I am a single mom. I officially became a single mom on November 5th 2014, my 26th Birthday. Approximately a month and 22 days after my daughter was born.

How and why did I become a single mom? I'll save the response for another day.

As a single mother, dating in hard, very hard. The goal of this blog is to journal my previous and current experiences in the dating life of a single mom.

Wish me Luck!